الجيش السوري بدأ باستدعاء الاحتياط على دفعات لتدريبه وإعداده للحرب

جراسا -

كشف النقاب عن ان سورية تستدعي الاحتياط وتهيئ جبهتي لبنان وغــزة تحسبا للحرب الشاملة، وفق صحيفة "السياسة" الكويتية.

وجاء في تقرير الصحيفة ان التهديدات الاسرائيلية الجديدة لاقت هذه المرة رداً سياسياً ســـوريـــاً أكــثــر "حــــــرارة"، فانتقلت دمشق مــن الــرد الــدفــاعــي إلــى نوع من الهجوم النفسي باعتبار أن وراء هذه التهديدات ارتباكا لدى القيادة الإسرائيلية ناجما عن عــدم هضم الفشلين في حربي غزة ضد حماس العام الماضي، وحرب تموز ضد حزب الــلــه اللبناني عام 2006.

ونــقــلــت الصحيفة عن مصادر وصفتها بالموثوقة أن الجيش السوري بدأ منذ أسابيع عدة باستدعاء الاحتياط على دفعات لتدريبه وإعداده للحرب.

تعليقات القراء

ابن فلسطين
أين تعليقي يا جراسا الذي علقته ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ لماذا تشطبون تعليقاتنا المهمة ؟؟؟؟؟ هل تحاربون الحقائق ؟؟
07-02-2010 09:17 PM
أين هذا الجيش النائم ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ ماذا أعد للمعركة ؟؟؟؟؟ لديهم أسلحة مهترئة وطائرات قديمة لا تصلح للإستخدام مقابل سلاح الجو الإسرائيلي الذي يمتلك أحدث الطائرات إف 16 و15 و14 المطورة والأباتشي والترسانة النووية وأجهزة الرصد والمراقبة وسلاح البحرية وغيرها من أسلحة فتاكة هل طورت سوريا دفاعاتها الجوية الضعيفة ؟؟؟ وهل عملت توازن مع اليهود ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ لا أظن ذلك يحدث
07-02-2010 09:34 PM
Tomer from Israel
i hope there will not do stupid things.
Israel wants peace but you should understand one thing:
in one day, israel can terminete all syrian airforce and navy and take thousands of prisoners.
believe me, syria will not be happy to find out the power of israel.
they will wake up feeling stupid for starting this war, losing some more land and humiliated by Israel.

peace is the only solution for the region. syria needs peace more than israel
08-02-2010 10:31 AM
to tomer from ابن وادي السير
we beleave tht israel is one of the most bowerfull countris in the middle east
but youv got to know that this bower is gona turne on it sooner or later / cos the citizens of the arab contrys is boiling
and soon thay will kill you all
and what pease are you talking about
is it the pease of killing the childrens of palistin
you are the last one talking aboute pease
also you must know that hizballah is fighting you with limited resorces and makes you criyeng like kids

whin it becom to fight syria you well know that all arabs are syrian so go fuck your self
08-02-2010 12:36 PM
Tomer from Israel
too sad you talk about war when i talk about peace.
and you say you will kill us all and in the same sentence you say we kill kids.
try to be less fool.
at least in israel we dont like killing kids. looks like you enjoy it.
if you support Hizbolla you defenitly support killing kids' they shoot at civilians in purpes. israel is figting coward terrorist that hide behind kids.

Golda Meir once said, the war will end when the Arabs will love their kids more than they hate us.
she is so right.

hope you change your mind about killing me.
ah, and i dont know how to fuck myself. i have a wife.

i hope to get reply from more people to believe that there is hope for peace and not all of you are so full of hate.
08-02-2010 06:27 PM
وقاتلوهم بأيديكم وأضافركم اخوانكم في العروبة سيأسرونكم رهائن يا مسكين لا يوجد لديكم سلاح جو فعال يحميكم طائراتكم استوت من زمان ودباباتكم أكلها الصدأ
08-02-2010 09:04 PM
Samer Ahmed-England to Tomer from Palestine
For one thing its not your strength which make you stronger than your neighbours, its what you get from America and the west,, and you remember in every war America opens its military stores for your use and the planes start sending you advanced weapon. Second how do you want us to have peace with you knowing full well you occupy Jaffa , Jerusalem and Haifa .. etc and the west bank.Third you won your wars against governments,, and never ever won against the people, Fourth i tell you that most Arab people really support Hezbollah. And to Gerasa i say, pleas remove the comments with the "F" word
08-02-2010 09:54 PM
to tomer fromeابن وادي السير
()at least in israel we dont like killong kids ????????????????????????
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
you makes me lafffffffff
rememper gaza
cos it wil never forget you
and i m not willing to kill you
but if you ever thght to fight an arab contry
trust me i wil hunt you down
but if you really beleav in pease
i wilcome you as a brother in pease
and i say lets give the pease a chance mybe
its gona worke this time
cos our king abdullah said
pease is the only hop for the middle east
if we manage to live together
it wil be so nice
and it wil give more obortionity
for the next generation
so lets give it a try
09-02-2010 02:07 AM
Tomer from Israel
i am with you, lets give it a try

and about Gaza. you know nothing about whatt is going on there.
8 years Sderot receiving kassam rockets, what do you think? we will just live with it?

if israel shoot rockets at jordan for 8 years' will you sit quiet?

nobody in israel will tell you that he is happy with kids being killed in gaza. it does not make anybody happy. not like in Hammas that the feel very happy when a jewish kid killed.
let me remind you the days of the bus explosions in Tel Aviv, was it a mistake? or Hammas did it in order to kill inocent people?

and for Samer - i agree to remove the F word. i dont like it either.
in 48 the west didnt help us, same in 67
i believe that israel is strong because it is a democraty and people are more free to study, develope themselves and become smarter, and in this way develope better weapons and defence tools.

Jaffa, Haifa and Jerusalem are not occupied. look at the history books, the last independent country that was in those cities is the kingdom of Israel 2000 years ago.
since then it was occupied by many empires and returned to the jews after 2000 years, just like the prophet say
also in the holy quran it was mentioned.

so please, take all you hate energies and turn them to love. like ibn wadi alsir said, we can be like brothers, live together and have better future for our children

09-02-2010 10:51 AM
Samer Ahmed-England ,, To No. 9
You want to talk peace,, i will,, Tell me what happened since1991 peace talks in Madrid,, did you give the Palestinians any thing?? we only saw more killing and more settlements and expansion in the west bank including Jerusalem. OK,, do you want one state for all, are you prepared to live in a state with equal rights like the Palestinians, and we call it the state of Palestinian and Israel?? All what you and your government want is calling for peace in your terms, and controlling the land and make a Jewish state,, that's what you want and your Ministers always repeat the same thing. And for your History books, the only time you had a kingdom in Palestine was for 50 years only during David and Salmon, and it was over a small piece of land from Palestine.,,, So please stop talking to us about your peace and giving us lectures of the same,, for which you mean more land from the Palestinians
09-02-2010 01:29 PM
ما شاء الله كلها بتكتب انجليزي شيء بخزي وبقلك استدعوا الاحيتاط
09-02-2010 01:35 PM
Tomer from Israel
50 years? who wrote your history books?
in my history books it is more than 500 years.
and you know what? even if it was 5 years. it was the last independent state in this land.
can you name another independent state after that?

why not talk about jewish state? why do you have the right to ask for palestinian state, and every nation has the right for a state except the jewish nation?
we dont need your agreement for having our own state. arabs have 22 countries and muslims twice than that. why should we ask your permission for 1 state? and where is more natural place for us than our historical land?
in 48 you wanted to eliminate us and you lost the war. in 67, pefore west bank and Gaza was taken, you wanted to eliminate us and you lost the war. you think that losing a war is not a good reason to lose a land? you started the war, you pay in land.
and i am not saying that for peace we dont have to give up also. but you have to understand why you lost it.

by the way, Jerusalem always had majority of jewish people that lived there. even in the 1800s. check that also in the history books.
09-02-2010 02:12 PM
ماجد رد على المعلقين بالإنجليزي
الذين يكتبون بالإنجليزي يحتقرون العرب ولغتهم وهم أغبياء يفكرون أن الناس تقرأ تعليقاتهم والله انهم مثل الليبيرقص في العتمة
09-02-2010 02:26 PM
Samer Ahmed-England to No.12
It is 50 years , and you know it, so when you lost this argument over peace and you new it, you start mumbling about how strong you were and you took the land by force, so it become yours,, you know that arguing with you is just like you argued with Moses over the slaughter of the cow, what age and what shape and what colour and so on. So please if you really want peace, go to your government and tel them that , because the Arabs were genuine over peace and you were not!! AS for Jerusalem, your information is completely wrong,, and i can also tell you that my grand parents were giving the Jews food and shelter at the beginning of your immigration early last century, because they felt sorry for you,, until your real intentions became clear
09-02-2010 02:45 PM
Samer Ahmed-England to No. 13
I am proud of the Arabic language and i really love it, but unfortunately, i cant write in Arabic because of soft ware problem
09-02-2010 03:03 PM
Tomer from Israel
wikipedia also lie?
100 years of united monarchy:

and 344 years of kingdom of judah:

demographics of jerusalem:

you can see that since year 1844 jews were majority

so keep beliving in lies that are comfortable for you to believe.

about your parents, i am sure they were good people. it is well known that before the conflict, jews and muslims got along much better than today. my father was born in Tunis and he told me that.

but in recent years, there was a big interest by the arab goverments to use media against jews. today the arab media is acting worse than nazi media in the 30s.

saying that we steal body parts of palestinians and killing kids for our joy it is as worse as the nazi media and even worst.

you only need to understand hebrew to look at our media and see how we educate for peace and love other nations.

only people who dont know and dont want to know us think so narrow about us.
09-02-2010 03:12 PM
Samer Ahmed-England To No. 16
Well it was an experience talking with you,, but a small remark related to your last two sentences in your comment, Of course you see the news and you saw the 2006 war on Lebanon, and you saw what the Israeli kids wrote on the missiles before being loaded into the F16,, Just to remind you, they wrote on them " From the children of Israel to the children of Lebanon",, and you still talk about your media and the education of peace and loving other nation,, bye-bye
09-02-2010 04:41 PM
Tomer from Israel
you dont see the difference between kids writing on rockets vs hizballah fighters firing from civilian houses to civilian houses?
becuase i see alot of difference

i dont know how you know what they wrote there but it dousnt metter. kids should not be writing on rockets and there was a big criticism about those pictures in Israel.

was there any criticism about hizballah using citizens as shelters and shooting rockets intended to hit cevilians?

please stop judging us before you judge yourself.

i am not saying we are perfect but we try much harder then you and your fellow arabs

have you ever condemn the suicide bumbers?
do you consider a kid murderer like samir quntar as a hero?
were you happy when you heard of the munich sportmen terror attack?

i can tell you, we also had some bad seeds in israel like baruch goldshtein and ami popper who killed inocent arabs . but unlike you, we dont worship them and we consider them terrorists.
goldshtein is dead but ami popper went to jail for all his life. if it was the an arab killing inocent jews he would become a very important person

it was nice experience for me too to talk to you.
i hope you think about what i say and look in the mirror before judging me or my people.
09-02-2010 05:52 PM
احمد المعاني
تحيا العروبة
10-02-2010 10:13 AM
يؤسفني كعربي أن يكون الجيش العربي السوري بهذه الحاله .. في عام 1973حرب تشرين طلب منه الانسحاب من أرض المعركه في الوقت الذي كان فيه الجيش العراقي يتقدم ويكنس الدفاعات الصهيونيه . كم غارة صهيونيه على الارض السوريه والجيش السوري مكتف .. أين كان الجيش السوري أثناء العدوان على لبنان 2006 والنظام السوري يدعي بأنه حليف حزب الله . لماذا كان الجيش السوري في مقدمة العدوان الثلاثيني على العراق بأمر امريكا عام 1991.أين الجيش السوري من الاختراقات الامريكيه المتكرره للاراضي السوريه من جهه العراق المحتل... ولكل ماذكر هل سوريا بنظمها وجيشها على عداء مع العدو الصهيوني ؟؟!!!!!!!!!!!!
10-02-2010 12:07 PM
رد على رقم 20
الجيش السوري ضعيف جدا أمام الجيش الإسرائيلي فلو دتدخل في حرب تموز لكان في خبر كان لأنه لا يستطيع المواجهة لجيش مدجج بكل أنواع الأسلحة الحديثة ولا تنسى سلاح الجو الإسرائيلي الذي بإمكانه تدمير كل سوريا وجيوش العرب معها اليهود لا يهزمهم إلا المقاومة مثل نظام حزب الله وحماس من تحت الأرض لأن كل من يظهر أمام سلاح الجو سيدمر / اسأل الخبراء العسكريين يعطوك معلومات مفصلة أكثر فلا تلوم سوريا سلاحها مهتري ومصدي قديم ولا يوجد عنده مضادات جوية حديثة تطال الطائرات الإسرائيلية ولا غيرها كلها قديمة ولا تصلح لحروب الوقت الحالي
10-02-2010 02:40 PM
اسرائيل تعتدي على نفسها ولا تعتدي على قلعة الصمود المزعومة سوريا . أي خلل في الوضع الأمني السوري ليس لصالح إسرائيل ، والسوريون وجيشهم المغوار ظهرت رجولته وشجاعته في تل الزعتر والكرنتينا والبرج ؟؟؟؟؟
15-02-2010 09:42 PM
عبد السلام
الله ينصرنا
17-02-2010 11:02 PM
al hamlan
To all of those who have expressed there thoughts in English, God knows that none of you know what is realy going on, and what might happen if such a war breakes right now. God forbid, if such a war starts right now, it will be so destructive -way, beyond our limited imagination. There will be no point of return, even if we try .We must admit, if we realy belief in God , that this is our destiny and not choice to be here as Arabs and Jews, and we must try hard to live togather and build on the common things that we share rather than trying to destroy each others. It is we as human who can make either peace or war and it is up to us to chose where to go from here.
26-02-2010 11:01 PM
الصقر الحر الىTomer
look tomer, history tell us that your country did not think about peace one time, are you considered jordanian and arab in genral have stypied mines to beileave in ur words........

06-03-2010 11:41 AM

أكتب تعليقا

تنويه :
تتم مراجعة كافة التعليقات ،وتنشر في حال الموافقة عليها فقط.
ويحتفظ موقع وكالة جراسا الاخبارية بحق حذف أي تعليق في أي وقت ،ولأي سبب كان،ولن ينشر أي تعليق يتضمن اساءة أوخروجا عن الموضوع المطروح ،او ان يتضمن اسماء اية شخصيات او يتناول اثارة للنعرات الطائفية والمذهبية او العنصرية آملين التقيد بمستوى راقي بالتعليقات حيث انها تعبر عن مدى تقدم وثقافة زوار موقع وكالة جراسا الاخبارية علما ان التعليقات تعبر عن أصحابها فقط ولا تعبر عن رأي الموقع والقائمين عليه.

- يمكنك تسجيل اسمك المستعار الخاص بك لإستخدامه في تعليقاتك داخل الموقع
الاسم :
البريد الالكتروني :
اظهار البريد الالكتروني
التعليق :
رمز التحقق : تحديث الرمز
أكتب الرمز :

إقرأ أيضاً

رياضة وشباب
